do something open Sounds file open Graphics file start a song get a music track set up to play music use speech dispose of a speech channel get a speech channel get voice information get a sound channel play a sound get a sound add a MISC resource add PREF resource add MONS resource add MAPS resource add ROST resource add PRTY resource open new Roster file create resource fork in Roster file create new Roster file open Roster file get Roster file info open too many Roster files get a reference PICT get volume refnum get color cursor get UltimaThree font create textPort GWorld create minitilesPort GWorld create framePort GWorld create gamePort GWorld create tilesMaskPort GWorld create tilesPort GWorld create updatePort GWorld create widePort GWorld create portraitPort GWorld create window to hide background GetNewCWindow #400 GetMCInfo get a reference PICT get credits PICT get 'by' PICT create logoToPort GWorld create logoFromPort GWorld create exodusToPort GWorld create exodusFromPort GWorld get an intro PICT get portraits PICT get mini tiles PICT get tile masks PICT get tiles PICT create littleTextPort GWorld create bigTextPort GWorld get frames PICT get dungeon mask PICT create nDngMasks GWorld get dungeon stuff PICT create nDngShapes GWorld create demoPort GWorld